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Back From the Long Winter's Nap!

Can you believe the year is almost half over! The 7th grade has been super busy with the winter show. As one teacher mentioned, it was the "best show in 10 years!"  Ms. Jesslyn and Ms. Lauren took on the daunting task of turning the Bronx High School of Science stage into a winter wonderland! The performances were stellar, the costumes were brilliant, even the backdrops were professional!  And we also have to thank our administration, Ms. Sanchez and Mr. McCoy for supporting the dance team. In addition, the whole production owes a TON of gratitude to the non-instructional staff:  Mr. Stan, Ms. Jamila, Ms. Sophia, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Liz. The show would not have gotten anywhere without these amazing people.  The show was a labor of love and A LOT of hard work. Long evenings rehearsing, day after day in class. But the proof was on the stage that night!  Added to the bottom of this post is the "making of" video showing the hard work the students and
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THE 7 th GRADE STUDENTS ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THEIR CAPSTONE PROJECT. CHAN GE FOR S UDAN All of the proceeds from tonight’s capstone project will go toward building a well in Sudan. Your children have been reading about the story of a young Lost Boy, Salva Dut, and his remarkable and inspiring journey across the Sudanese terrain. Since moving to the United States in 2009 he has started an organization to build wells in rural villages in Sudan. These wells will give villages of people a chance to have clean drinking water and for the women to become educated. The night will include a gallery walk of your children’s artwork, dance performances and readings of their character diaries. Your children have put together a spectacular night for you to enjoy. CORRECTED DATE! Tuesday, February 12, 2019 @ 5:00 Five $5 at the door.
THE 7 th GRADE STUDENTS ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THEIR CAPSTONE PROJECT. CHAN GE FOR S UDAN All of the proceeds from tonight’s capstone project will go toward building a well in Sudan. Your children have been reading about the story of a young Lost Boy, Salva Dut, and his remarkable and inspiring journey across the Sudanese terrain. Since moving to the United States in 2009 he has started an organization to build wells in rural villages in Sudan. These wells will give villages of people a chance to have clean drinking water and for the women to become educated. The night will include a gallery walk of your children’s artwork, dance performances and readings of their character diaries. Your children have put together a spectacular night for you to enjoy. Tuesday, February 5, 2019 @ 5:00 Five $5 at the door.
WHEW! Do you feel that? The school year is almost over! The ELA State Tests are done and after the first week in May the Math State Test will be finished. The students of the 7th grade are clearly bummed that the year is almost over. 🤣 The 7th grade teachers have several trips planned, the first is the second week of May to the NY Hall of Science. An awesome, hands on museum in the Crotona Park area of Queens. Also, we wanted to include a recent photo of another trip... having lunch in Central Park after a dance trip!

Is it SPRING yet?

As I write this, another storm is brewing on the east coast. Will NYC schools have off? We'll see! A big thanks to everyone who supported our amazing Captstone Project last month. It was a HUGE success and we raised over $800 so far to donate to Water for South Sudan - Salva Dut's organization which builds wells in Sudanese villages. This month, we're gearing up for our state exam. We still have a few days to go before we get to Spring Break, but then the state exam is a mere THREE DAYS after we get back from Spring Break! The year is FLYING BY! We also want to thank Ms. Jesslyn and Ms. Lauren for their wonderful field trip to Symphony Space in March. We experienced samples from numerous Latin American cultures such as Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Mexico! Watch this space for information concerning our NEXT capstone project - a career night! Stay tuned for details. Have a great Spring Break!

Captstone Time!

Can you hear that? The seventh grade is all a buzz of excitement for our Capstone Project! They are busy polishing their character diaries... finishing their art work... formatting their presentations... perfecting their dance moves... all for the idea of helping the people of Southern Sudan. Change for South Sudan is our fundraiser kickoff. We will be raising as much as we can to possibly build a well for a village in South Sudan. The inspiration for this comes from our reading the book A Long Walk to Wate r by Linda Sue Park. In the book, the main character Salva Dut has to survive the brutal Sudanese Civil War. He does and manages to make it to the USA - where he starts an organization to build wells in Sudan. Our dream goal - to raise the $15,000 to sponsor the building of a well! Our February event will kickoff that fundraiser. Students will be creating works of art with the help of Ms. Martin. Some students will be performing a dance number with the help of Ms. Jessalyn a